The power of partnerships

The power of partnerships

Working with partners is the best way to achieve our vision of a world free of pain. At Grünenthal, we never stop searching for new partnerships with like-minded organisations and individuals. By joining forces, we are able to maximise our positive impact on patients worldwide.

Strong network


Significant Revenues

of group revenues come from partnering and licensing

Global Partnerships

partner countries

R&D collaborations are an important part of this approach. We are always seeking new opportunities to work side-by-side with innovators who share our commitment to developing life-changing treatments, irrespective of the modality involved. Over many decades, we have built a strong network of experts from across disciplines and around the globe. Together, we create novel medications with the potential to make a real difference for patients.

Inorganic growth is another key element of our partnering activities. We grow our business and complement our portfolio by acquiring early or late-stage assets in the therapeutic area of pain, as well as established brands in a broad range of therapeutic areas. Our team has many years of experience, and we use this to ensure fast and effective integration – while maintaining an uninterrupted supply for patients. Established brands with stable sales performance provide funding for further R&D projects. Grünenthal has invested over €2 billion in successful M&A transactions over the past years.

Combining both established and growth brands in our portfolio provides us with a well-balanced and resilient business.

In addition to R&D and acquisitions, we engage in highly effective commercial licensing agreements. Our company is a natural in-licensing partner for businesses that want to bring new projects to market successfully because we are a mid-sized pharmaceutical company with exceptional R&D, regulatory expertise and commercial capabilities. We also engage in out-licensing partnerships that give patients access to our products in territories where we do not have our own presence.

Grünenthal is open to a wide range of collaborative activities including R&D, acquisitions of marketed products and development projects, and sales partnerships or licensing agreements. Our experience has taught us that open minds and open communication are essential factors in this success.

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We are keen to hear new ideas and discover assets that are relevant to our business. If you are interested in partnering with us, get in touch.
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