Taking action against pain

Increasing access and awareness

Patients and their families need support with managing pain and its consequences. Grünenthal is actively involved in several impact-driven initiatives that help pain patients get back to normal living quickly and sustainably. We are proud to share these selected highlight projects.



Grünenthal established Change Pain in 2009 with the aim of creating a better understanding of pain patients’ needs and developing solutions that improve pain management. It was launched in 12 European countries, and is endorsed by the European Pain Federation EFIC® and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE). Since it was launched, Change Pain has supported the development of a wide range of tools that make physicians’ daily practice easier. More than 65,000 healthcare professionals have been involved in its educational activities via in-person workshops and web-based learning modules.
Read more about Change Pain
EFIC-Grünenthal Grant (E-G-G) - World-leading pain research grant

EFIC-Grünenthal-Grant (E-G-G)

This initiative supports early-career scientists in carrying out innovative clinical research into pain within countries that are members of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. Grünenthal provides up to €110,000 of funding for this grant each year. Individual research grants worth a maximum of €50,000 are available for projects with a duration of up to two years. These grants target clinical and human experimental pain research, including innovative educational initiatives that improve pain diagnosis and treatment. Grants are allocated by a sub-group of the EFIC® Working Group for Grants and Prizes.
Read more about the E-G-G

Societal Impact of Pain (SIP)

The SIP platform is a multi-stakeholder partnership that aims to raise awareness of pain and change pain policies. It is led by the European Pain Federation EFIC® and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE). Grünenthal and Pfizer are its main sponsors. SIP provides opportunities for discussion among stakeholders including healthcare professionals, pain advocacy groups, politicians, healthcare insurance providers, representatives from health authorities, regulators, and budget holders. It is endorsed by more than 310 European patient and healthcare authorities, and collaborates with a range of organisations to advocate for improved pain management.
Read more about SIP
The Brain, Mind and Pain ‘Patient-Centred Innovation Grant’ (BMP Grant)

Brain, Mind and Pain (BMP) Grant

With the biennial BMP Grant, we are encouraging patient-centric and scientifically robust innovation for chronic pain and neurological disorders. The initiative is led by Pain Alliance Europe (PAE), with Grünenthal providing part of the funding. Its objectives focus on improving access to innovative treatments, promoting prevention and self-management approaches, reducing stigma, and boosting research that improves quality of life. The BMP Grant is awarded by a jury of patient representatives and is supported by scientific experts to make sure the winning projects truly address patients’ needs.
Read more about the BMP Grant