Experiences from the Grünenthal Medical Affairs Team at the EFIC 2023 conference!

Grünenthal is a global leader in pain management and related diseases. As a science-based, privately-owned pharmaceutical company, we have a 75 years history of bringing innovative treatments and state-of-the-art technologies to patients worldwide.

Our purpose is to change lives for the better, and innovation is our passion. We are focusing all our activities and efforts on working towards our vision of a world free of pain.

Several medical affairs colleagues from headquarters in Aachen and from the affiliates in Europe and Latin America engaged with the participants of EFIC 2023 in Budapest at the Grünenthal Medical Booth.

Our Vision: A World Free of Pain

Our Grünenthal commitment to support pain research!

EFIC-Grünenthal Grant

With a total value of €100,000, this biennial grant rewards innovative projects for human pain research and supports promising early-career researchers. Since its start in 2004, 73 EFIC-Grünenthal Grant projects (693 applications) have been supported.

Three young researcher (Eleonora Maria Camerone from Italy, Lieve Filbrich from Belgium and Sampuna Chakrabarti from Germany) were proud to receive the EFIC-Grünenthal-Grant (E-G-G) 2023 during the opening ceremony to realize their pain research projects. More information can be found on the E-G-G website.

Attend the Grünenthal led or sponsored activities at EFIC 2023!

Main theme of the medical activities at EFIC 2023 is about NEUROPATHIC PAIN. Worldwide up to 10% of people are living with neuropathic pain* as a complication or consequence of several diseases and their treatments like painful diabetic peripheral neuropathies or cancer related neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain can have a significant impact on the people who are affected and their families.

Download the infographics with the results from two web based surveys where people living with diabetes** and cancer*** reported from their experiences living with neuropathic pain.

Change Pain infographic - Burden of diabetes
Change Pain infographic - Burden of cancer

* Van Hecke O, Austin SK, Khan RA, Smith BH, Torrance N. Neuropathic pain in the general population: a systematic review of epidemiological studies. Pain. 2014 Apr;155(4):654-662

** Tesfaye S, Brill S, Eerdekens M, Maderuelo Labrador M, Petersen G, de Rooij Peek A, Reta A, Ryan D, Schaper N, Tölle T, Truini A, Ziegler D. Diagnosis, management and impact of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy: A patient survey in four European countries. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2023 Apr; 37(4): 108417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2023.108417

***Dupoiron D, Brill S, Eeltink C, Barragán B, Bell D, Petersen G, Eerdekens M, Ryan D, Rakuša M. Diagnosis, management and impact on patients’ lives of cancer-related neuropathic pain (CRNP): A European survey. European journal of Cancer Care. 2022 Nov; 31(6): e13728. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecc.13728.

View the poster about the results from the pDPN patient survey “Diagnosis and treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy: comparison of patient experiences in four European countries” (Poster 60) which has been presented by Silviu Brill at the poster session on September 22.

Listen to the patient voice!

Watch the interviews with Angela de Rooij from the Dutch Diabetes Patient Association and Nadia Malliou from Pain Alliance Europe about the experiences from people living with diabetic neuropathic pain.

Striking a nerve: Grünenthal symposium on Thursday 21 September was well attended

Prof. Gisèle Pickering (University Hospital of Clermont-Ferrand, France) and Prof. Rainer Freynhagen (Benedictus Krankenhaus Tutzing, Germany) who are experts in this field shared their experiences in this session which has been moderated by Lloyd Bracey. Please contact us at info@grunenthal.com if you are interested to learn more about this event.

You want to learn more about neuropathic pain?

Register to the NeuPSIG CME credited modules from September 2023 which have been sponsored by Grünenthal.

  1. Painful diabetic neuropathy module
    The session focuses on the diagnosis of and treatment options for pDPN, and the management of the pain. Diabetic neuropathy is a serious diabetes complication that affects many people with diabetes.
  2. Cancer pain module
    The session focuses on cancer pain across the cancer cycle from diagnosis, pre, post-surgical and chemotherapy states, and the encompassing management of pain. Cancer pain has been identified as having significant prevalence across the globe.


Collection of feedback from the visitors of the Medical booth about Neuropathic Pain

Medical colleagues engaged with the visitors of the booth and collected 587 postcards with valuable feedback on the following questions:

  1. Why is the management of painful diabetic neuropathy sub-optimal?
  2. What is the most significant impact of neuropathic pain in people living with cancer or cancer survivor?
  3. What kind of research would most benefit people living with neuropathic pain?

For each response, GRT will donate 5 € to two hospices in the region of Aachen. The results of the survey will be used for further communication of the relevance and gaps in the management of neuropathic pain.

Please contact us at info@grunenthal.com if you wish more information or connect with the local Grünenthal teams here!

