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12 June 2024

Patient education in osteoarthritis – good practice recommendations from an international patient panel

Presentation of the panel recommendations at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2024 in Vienna from 12-15 June 2024

Presentation of the panel recommendations at the Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2024 in Vienna from 12-15 June 2024

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis in adults (1). Symptoms of OA include pain, swelling, stiffness and trouble moving the affected joint. OA can affect any joint but is most common in the knees, hips, spine and small joints in the hands (2). With ageing populations and increasing rates of obesity and injury, the prevalence of osteoarthritis is expected to continue to increase globally. Being diagnosed early and following a treatment plan is the best way to slow the disease and optimize function (2). Supported self-management and in some cases, self-care are important ways of managing osteoarthritis. Education can help people learn to manage the physical and mental effects of osteoarthritis (2).

An international panel of patient representatives from Europe and the US evaluated the status of patient education in OA and considered several recommendations for future educational initiatives and materials for people living with this condition.

The international patient panel proposes practical recommendations for clear & customized information, accessible resources, support for navigating the information maze (e.g., signposting by healthcare professionals) and using AI supported engagement across multimedia channels. Content that is inclusive and addresses multifaceted care should be a priority. Information or tools to empower patients to holistically self-managed care and guidance for structured decision-making were additional aspects for consideration.

The results of the panel discussions are presented as a poster at EULAR 2024 on Thursday, 13 June 2024 in the PARE poster Tour II from 9:30 – 10:30 in Hall C by the first author Souzi Makri.

Join the oral poster presentation if you are onsite at the congress in Vienna!


You can download the poster here.

Here you can find the full overview of all collected materials on OA patient education.


UpToDate - Website (Osteoarthritis symptoms and diagnosis)
UpToDate - Website (Osteoarthritis treatment)
UpToDate - Website (Arthritis and exercise)



Pain Tool Kit
BMJ - EULAR recommendation on Knee Osteoarthritis and Hand
BMJ - EULAR recommendation on Knee Osteoarthritis and Hand (Summary)
BE - UZA - Prosthetic knee informational brochure
BE - A collection of informational brochures on OA
BE - Gezond Leven - Exercise guide for OA
BE - Gezond Leven - Informational website on OA
FR - l'Assurance Maladie - informational image
FR - l'Assurance Maladie - informational image
DE - Rheuma Liga - Website
NL - Atrose Gezond - Website
NL - Artrose Gezond - An informational OA 'Cafe' bringing patients together for self-education
NL - Ziekenhuis - Knee Arthritis informational brochure
NL - Reuma Nederland - Informational brochure self-management of OA
NL - Reuma Nederland - Informational brochure on OA
NL - Corto Clinics - informational brochure on knee prosthetic
NL - Corto Clinics - informational brochure on knee prosthetic
NL - Corto Clinics - informational brochure on 1/2 knee prosthetic
NL - Gezond Leven - Informational brochure on OA and movement
NL - NOTA-Clinic, AZ St-Blasius - Informational webinar on OA and non-operative treatment
NL - Poly Artrose - Patient Organisation website for (poly)-artrosis
NL - ArtroseBlog - Patient Organisation for (poly)-artrosis
NL - Join2Move - An app with patient engagement resources for OA
NL - Osteoarthritis Healthy
ES - OAFI Foundation materials
ES - The Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology - general OA
ES - The Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology - knee OA
ES - A guide of knee OA in primary care (in Spanish)
ES - Gencat - shared decision making on knee OA
UK - Pain Resources - Flippin Pain
UK - NHSE Tool Kit
UK - Expert Patient Program - NELFT
UK - Escape Pain
UK - Good Boost
UK - Arthritis Action
UK - Versus Arthritis
UK - Versus Arthritis: OA of the knee
UK - Versus Arthritis: OA website information
UK - Versus Arthritis: OA booklet
UK - Keele University website - OA resources and guidebook
UK - Keele University: Triggers for Acute Flares in adults with knee OA
UK - Nuffield Health - Informational video on exercising with OA
UK - Omeract - handbook
UK - Jigsaw - website
UK - NHS England / Versus Arthritis: decision aid
UK - NHS Inform UK - MSK self-management resources



Cleveland Clinic - Website
Center for Disease Control & Prevention
National Institute of Health - Website
National Institute of Health - Website
Osteoarthrits Action Alliance & UNC
Arthritis Foundation


Please send an email to for further feedback on the recommendations or if you can provide more good examples of OA patient education.

The project has been initiated and funded by Grünenthal GmbH.

More information about pain associated to osteoarthritis can be found at

1 Steinmetz, J. D., et al. (2023). Global, regional, and national burden of osteoarthritis, 1990–2020 and projections to 2050: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet Rheumatology, 5(9), e508-e522
2 WHO OA Factsheet last accessed June 2024.