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18 April 2024

Strong new ESG rating puts Grünenthal in top 2% of the pharmaceuticals subindustry

Grünenthal Headquarters Aachen Germany
The latest independent rating confirms Grünenthal’s improved approach to managing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics – and evaluates the company as the leader in its peer group, with a low ESG risk rating.

Stakeholders expect businesses to meet high standards for sustainability and responsibility. Investors seeking attractive long-term opportunities also pay close attention to how a company manages Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics.

In this context, ESG risk ratings conducted by independent organisations offer stakeholders a trustworthy indication of a company’s impact on people and the planet. And the latest assessment by Sustainalytics, a leading ESG risk rating provider, ranks Grünenthal in the top 2% for the pharmaceuticals subindustry1 – with even stronger scores than in the previous year.

1The Pharmaceuticals industry comprises three subindustries: Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Laboratory Equipment and Services.

Grünenthal's General Counsel, Sebastian Köhler explains why an ESG rating is important for Grünenthal and what "low risk" actually means.
You can access the video here:

Grünenthal’s ESG risk rating for 2023

  • The current rating puts us among the top 2 percent in the pharmaceuticals subindustry and ahead of our key peers.
  • Our company was assessed as having a low risk with a score of 18.6 – an improvement on our medium risk and a score of 21.7 last year (Low Risk category = 10-20).
  • Our ESG risk management received the highest possible assessment again, and is rated as “strong”. Our score improved from 62.0 last year to 66.8 this year (Strong Management category = 50-100).
Grünenthal ESG Risk Rating 2023

This Sustainalytics rating confirms Grünenthal’s strong focus on protecting its long-term future and its positive impact on patients, communities and the environment. Our approach to Corporate Responsibility is embedded in the overall business strategy. It is built around five impact initiatives, and includes our ethical framework and corporate governance approach. The Grünenthal Responsibility Board ensures that we implement, enforce and monitor this Corporate Responsibility Programme across every area of our business worldwide.

Our latest ESG risk rating also reflects our efforts to continuously improve and optimise our ESG performance. This progress is driven by our ambitious targets for each responsibility is set up in line with global reporting standards and is externally audited. Our Sustainalytics rating for this year shows that we are on the right path.

Sustainalytics, a leading ESG risk rating provider

“This year's third rating confirms our leading approach to ESG as maximizing positive impact while driving our business.”

The Grünenthal Responsibility Report 2023 shares insights into how we conduct our business responsibly and details about our impact on society and the environment.

Access the Grünenthal Responsibility Report 2023. To learn more about how we conduct business responsibly, explore the Responsibility section on our website.